Since 1950 there has been a nationwide movement to bring understanding to and about the homosexual minority.

Most of the organizations dedicated to this purpose stem from the attachine Foundation which was founded in Los Angeles at that time. Members of these organizations The attachine Society, One, and National *Association for Sexual Research are predominantly male, although there are a few hard working women among their ranks.

The Daughters of Bilitis is a women's organization resolved to add the feminine voice and viewpoint to a mutual problem. While women may not have so mich difficulty with law enforcemt, their problems are none the less real family, sonetinis * children, employment, social acceptance.

Horever, the Lesbian is a very elusive creature. She burrows underground in her fear of identification. She is cautious in her associations. Current modes in hair style and casual attire have enabled her, to camouflage her existence. She claims she does not need help. And she will not risk her tight little fist of security to aid those who do.

But surely the ground work has been 'well laid in the past 5 years. Homosexuality is not the dirty word it used to be: Hore and more people, professional and lay, are becoming aware of its meaning and implications. There is no longer so much "risk" in becoming associated with